summer wardrobe essentials

summer wardrobe essentials, cross strap sandals, isabel marant, dune, celine, birkenstock, dupe

summer wouldn’t be summer without an updated wardrobe! as much as i love layering on the clothes and hiding in my black threads, summer tends to arrive with a warm weather {if ever it decides to grace manchester these days} so as much as i love my winter wardrobe, it has to be pushed to the back for a while!

h&m cross strap sandals
i’d much rather wear ballet flats or trainers but this sweaty weather calls for sandals, and since everyone’s sandal game is on point i’m going to join in. this cheap pair of birkenstock/celine/isabel marant dupes have to be the most practical and perfect purchase yet.

asos cat eye sunglasses
headaches and premature wrinkles from squinting is not cool, so i bought this pair of sunglasses a few months ago ready for the summer, and they came in handy when i took a visit to stockholm earlier in april!

lush vanillary solid perfume
the nicest smelling perfume you’ll ever whiff! it’s hard to describe, i’d have to say it’s like an explosion of vanilla pods and creamy caramels. applied directly to the skin, this perfume is absorbed with your bodies heat and gives off a generously strong scent all day. i much prefer solid perfumes in summer, they lash longer and i hate the alcohol scent atomisers give.

michael kors chronograph watch
this is my only watch, so technically it’s essential to me not only in summer but all the time {i’ve worn it constantly since last march} i just love how versatile it is. classic chronograph face, silver strap with deployment clasp and it’s swimming pool friendly!


  1. Josie says:

    I love those sunnies! I just bought my first pair of slides, so comfy. yours are lovely, total isabel marant dupes x

  2. Catherine says:

    I think I’m gon’ be needing them sandals! They are gorgeous. Love the cat eyes too!

    Catherine, xo // Lady Liquor

  3. Jenna Galley says:

    Love this photo and the sandals. I have a similar pair of sunglasses like this, definitely need to dig them out.

    - xx

  4. Ugne says:

    I’m ashamedly excited for the BIRKENSTOCK fad to be back, yours look so sleek and wonderful! I’m reaaaaallly enjoying your blog, missy! New fangirl over here :)

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